Sunday, September 22, 2013

Otra Semana De Mucho Trabajo

Intensivo de Español = Cansado Emma (Intensive Spanish = Tired Emma)

Celei, my school for three months, is an incredible program with the most wonderful professors. However, learning the entire Spanish language in 8 weeks is hard. It helps to have supportive professors, and sisters who let me watch Disney movies in Spanish! My school is in Albaicin (to the left), one of the oldest cities in Andalucia, and it is so incredibly beautiful. Sometimes it makes it hard to pay attention in class, but I like to think I'm putting my anthropological skills to work by people watching instead of engaging in class.

¿Dónde está el helicóptero? (Where is the helicopter?)

I like to think that I'm not directionally challenged, but sometimes it gets me. I always find myself asking random people along the street where the helicopter is as a focal point to get myself home. Getting lost has made me late to lunch a couple of times, but I feel like I am truly getting a hang of the city I am calling home for the next three months.

Encontrar Consuelo en un Pub Irlandés (Finding Solace in An Irish Pub)

Off the beaten path my friends and I have found a pub where the bartenders speak English and they play American football. This is our new "spot" where, whenever we feel a bit homesick, we can come, speak English, and relax. It is a small, dark little pub but we find it to be comfortable and a different atmosphere than the bustling discotecas and tapas bars that crowd the streets of Granada. Nightlife here is a big part of the culture and I'm really loving meeting so many people from all around the world over drinks and tapas.

Mi Trabajo, Mi Vida (My Work, My Life)

A large component of this program is community service. For the next three months I will be working in La Hospital de San Rafael with sick children. I haven't been told much, I start work on October 1st, but I've heard from most people that many to most of the patients are terminal. I don't know how I will be able to emotionally handle this work every day, but I am excited to work in such an important environment. I can't wait to see what my first day is going to be like!

These weeks are going by so fast! Until next time...  el timpo lo cura todo (time heals all wounds)

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