Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Un Dia en La Vida

Since day one my host family has been incredibly welcome and so kind. My mother, Adela is a wonderful cook and helps me a lot with my spanish. My sisters, Natalia and Belen are around my age and it is so fun to hang out with them - we laugh a lot together! 
P.S. The color of my room here is the same as my room in the US - it's a nice coincidence :) 

Emma's Daily Routine Thus Far

7:00am- Alarm goes off (for those who know me, I'm not lying I do wake up this early every day)

7:30am- Walk into the kitchen, my host mom has toast and coffee waiting for me - I'm getting spoiled

8:00am- Walk to the bus stop (1 hour commutes normally not fun, but I never get tired of the view)

View from my bus/classroom - how am I supposed to concentrate when I can look at that for 6 hours instead?
9-2:30pm- Class, Class, Class. Since I'm in a language intensive program, I have Spanish for 3 hours a day, 15 hours a week. It's more than intense, but I am learning a lot.

3:30pm- after I get home I eat lunch with my mom and sisters. Yes at 3:30pm. It took a while to get used to, but eating late has its perks.

4:00pm- Perk #1 of eating late - after lunch, because it's the biggest meal of the day, it's completely acceptable to take a long nap!

7:30pm- After waking up from my siesta I go to the gym! I joined a gym here. The first thing I tried was spinning. It's hard but since I have a lot of downtime it's nice to have a constant thing to go to everyday.

This tapa is a piece of bread, chorizo, and potato chips. A perfect lite fare before dinner

9:00pm- Normally I go out to a tapa or two with friends. A spanish tapa - in Granada at least - is a free small plate of food you get gratis (FOR FREE) when you buy a drink. The food is so delicious no matter what they give you and I am fully thankful for the tapas.

10:30pm- Dinner with my family - we eat a lot of meat, especially pork. One of my favorite meals is called salmoreja - a tomato based cold soup blended with bread, a green pepper, and garlic. It's perfect.

11:00pm- Watching the news after dinner is the perfect way to wind down after a long day, catch up on current events, and learn a little Spanish!

Until next time.... todos los dias se aprende algo!

My school at night. Just kidding that's actually The
Alhambra, but my school is right across the street
from it! 
My city at night :) I can't get enough of it.
So enchanting. 

(A man will learn wit everyday)

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